Master User Academy
Are you ready to do bookkeeping like a PRO with Xero Accounting, confidently complete your monthly and annual accounts with ease, use financial reports to grow your business faster and connect with a community of DIY bookkeepers that will support you?
JOIN NOWDoes This Sound Like You?
"I'm an absolute newbie in bookkeeping. Can someone teach me what do I need to do?"
"I'm so confused now. Where should I start?"
"I've learned bookkeeping on my own from books and internet but I'm overwhelmed with all the accounting knowledge."
"Ugh! This is so frustrating! Why is bookkeeping so difficult to understand?"
"Every time I don't understand something I have to search high and low on the internet to understand it. I'm so tired and exhausted with this."
"I think I should record this transaction like this but I'm not 100% sure. Am I doing this correctly? Will I mess up my books?
"I have no one to talk to about bookkeeping.. my friends and family don't get it. I feel so lonely.
"I guess we are making money. I guess we can afford to hire someone. I guess we have sufficient funds to cover next month's expenses."
"I don't know if I'm making a profit or losing money now. I will only know it once a year when my accountant gives me the reports."
"I'm not a techie and I'm pretty new to Xero Accounting. I need someone to teach me how to use it to do bookkeeping!"
It's okay. You're not the only one.
Getting your accounts up-to-date is the KEY to growing your business faster
Doing bookkeeping for your business is not just for tax submission to your local government. It can do more than that! Having an up-to-date accounts that will produce monthly financial reports for you is the key to growing your business faster. When you know your business’s finances, you can make strategic business decisions that will grow your business. Test new strategies and check out the result by analysing your business’s performance so that you can tweak your strategy to make it even better.
And the best part is...
You don't need an accounting degree or bookkeeping experience to do bookkeeping yourself, and you most certainly don't need to hire a full-time bookkeeper or accountant to do it monthly for you.
Everything I'm going to show you is based on a proven process that I've been using for more than 10 years to do my clients' accounts.
All you need is a proven process to show you what to do and when to do it, some easy-to-follow step-by-step tutorials and a mentor (that's me) to remind you that you can do this!
Business Owner (E-Commerce)
"Thank you for the master user academy! The program was fantastic to get a beginner business owner through the daunting task of bookkeeping. You made it simple to follow and also opened my eyes to how much my accounting system could do for me! Your video lessons were easy to follow and full of useful information on how to do the task and background understanding to know why. Thank you so much for creating this program! I am sure plenty of others will want to join the next intake of the program."
Alex T.
Business Owner
"I never thought that having monthly financial reports for my business could help me in so many ways. I used it to keep my inventory at a healthy level so that I will not run out of products to sell for the fast moving item. When I try out a new strategy, I can easily evaluate the results of the strategy by just looking at my financial reports. If you’re a business owner, you need this program!"
Lucy W.
Accounts Assistant (Distributor Company)
"I highly recommend this program! Though I have no accounting knowledge nor experience in accounting, I am currently doing bookkeeping for my boss just by following the tutorials in this program. Everything in the course is so simple and easy to understand. I'm grateful to my boss for signing me up for this program!"
Hi, I'm Sharon!
I help business owners
go from not knowing anything at all about bookkeeping & Xero Accounting, to confidently completing their accounts with ease and use financial reports to grow the business faster, make more money and save more time.
When I set up my own bookkeeping business in 2014, I started to see a trend growing among small and medium businesses, which is DIY (Do-It-Yourself) bookkeeping.
Xero Accounting has made bookkeeping easier than ever before, so that even business owners (or their employees) without an accounting degree can do bookkeeping! All they need to do is just fill in the beautiful form.
But business owners are busy and they don’t have time to figure out accounting on their own. They want someone to guide them and answer their questions quickly. Your time is better spent on growing your business and serving your customers.
That’s why I created Master User Academy for busy business owners and DIY bookkeepers.
I’ve written down everything that I do to complete my client’s accounts, starting from the set-up of Xero Accounting up to point of completing the annual accounts.
I’ve recorded the exact steps of how I do bookkeeping in Xero Accounting so that you can easily do yours too!
Whenever you have questions, just ask them and I’ll help you on it.
Master User Academy
Xero Accounting
Here you will find everything you need to know so that you can confidently do bookkeeping like a pro, complete your accounts with ease ahead of tax time and get up-to-date financial reports to grow your business faster.
Best of all, you can access Master User Academy content anytime, anywhere as long as you have an internet connection. Whenever you are ready to do bookkeeping, the tutorials are here to guide you.
*Disclaimer: This program will NOT cover tax (GST/VAT/SST) in detail. You will need to refer to your local accountant for advice on your local government's requirements and laws (especially on sales tax).

Master User Academy Community
Connect with other DIY bookkeepers that are always there for you to answer your questions, listen to your stories, support you through the hard times, and cheer for you (loudly) when you achieve your goals. They are your new besties who will support you through anything.
Special Promotion
We're offering a very special membership fee for you! Enjoy up to 58% discount off your membership fee for as long as you keep your membership active. Even if we raise the membership fee in the future, you will still be renewing your membership at this rate!
Limited time offer!
JOIN NOWDeborah L.
Entrepreneur (Distributor Company)
"This program is a game changer for me and my business. My high school graduate employee learned how to do bookkeeping and my accounts are completed on a monthly basis now. My financial reports are no longer a bunch of numbers that make my head spin. Now I understand how my business is doing and it’s so much easier to plan the direction of my business. I'm glad that I found this program."
Tina S.
Business Owner
"It has been a pleasure working with Nuts Accounting. Not only have you cleared up all of the confusion, you have also explained in simple to understand terms, how to correctly enter transactions and credit card payments. I would highly recommend your services to anyone and I'm thrilled that I found you!"
Neil S.
"Sharon, you're a genius! Your explanation was so clear and concise that I could actually follow the steps. Thank you so much for your help! You are the best!!"
Your Learning Plan
Month 1: Beginner User
Set up For Success + Record Your Daily Transactions Correctly
Let's get started right away! Once you join Master User Academy, you will have immediate access to the first 3 modules which is Module 0 the set-up, Module 1 inventory and customers and Module 2 suppliers. First, we're going to help you to set up for your DIY bookkeeping success and set up (or review) your Xero Accounting settings. Then, you'll learn how to record your daily transactions correctly for your inventory, customers and suppliers.
Month 2: Intermediate User
Record All The Money That You Received and Spent Accurately
In this month, you will learn Module 3 Bank (receive money) and Module 4 Bank (spend money). Once you are comfortable recording your daily transactions, let's move on to your bank transactions. Accurately record all the money that your business has received and spent to prepare for the next step, weekly mini closing.
Month 3: Advanced User + Master User
Confidently Complete Your First Weekly Mini Closing and Your First Basic Monthly Accounts
In this month, you will learn Module 5 weekly mini closing and Module 6 basic monthly closing. This is the exciting part of DIY bookkeeping that you have been waiting for. You will do your first weekly mini closing which will help to improve your customer collection. Then, you will confidently complete your first basic monthly closing to get useful financial reports of your business while doing the minimal steps.
Month 4: Super User
Confidently Complete Your Monthly and Annual Accounts Like A Real Bookkeeper + Read Your Financial Reports Like A Pro
In this month, you will learn Module 7 reports and Module 8 full monthly closing. Once you have done the basic monthly closing, read your financial reports like a pro by filling in the business report card workbook. By the end of module 8, you will confidently complete your monthly and annual accounts like a real bookkeeper by doing all the advanced bookkeeping tasks.
Can't wait for 4 months?
Get immediate access to all modules with Intensive Premium Membership!
Special Bonus
Master User Success Masterclass
Let's set you up for your DIY bookkeeping success with the Master User Success Masterclass! Set a good bookkeeping goal and learn how to get the most out of this program with this special bonus!
JOIN NOWPlus, You'll Be Getting These Too!
Support & Coaching
Get Your Questions Answered By Us!
Once you join Master User Academy, you'll have immediate access to this. You'll get access to myself or members of my team to help you get 'unstuck' and break through the barriers to your bookkeeping goals. Just ask your questions in the private Facebook group or learn from the questions asked by others in the group.
Exclusive Private Facebook Group
The Exclusive Community of Master Users
Once you join Master User Academy, you'll have immediate access to this. Meet your new besties in this group. The community is always here to support you, cheer for you and celebrate all of your achievements with you!
Specially Curated Masterclasses
Specially Curated Masterclasses Designed For Business Owners & DIY Bookkeepers
From Month 5 onwards, you will have access to the collection of our masterclasses. These specially curated monthly masterclasses will dive deep into one specific subject that will help you do bookkeeping like a pro. Topics that will be covered include Xero Accounting, bookkeeping, business, mindset, tech, productivity, online marketing and more!
Surprise Bonus
Live Coaching Session
Periodically I will pop into your inbox and surprise you with a special surprise bonus, a live coaching session with me on Skype! You can ask your questions, get coached by me and best of all, we get to do bookkeeping for your business together! Let's solve your problems so that you complete your monthly and annual accounts like a pro.
You're just a few moments away from all of the Master User Academy content you could ever need to do bookkeeping like a pro.
Nervous about investing in yourself or committing to an online program? I get it - but this is THE time to invest in yourself and stop wasting time figuring out on your own. I've been doing this for a really long time, and I'm serious when I say that the Master User Academy works. I can't wait to welcome you to my community and teach you how you can easily and confidently complete your accounts month after month and use the financial reports to grow your business faster!
Don't worry - if you decide that the Master User Academy is not for you after joining, we won't kick up a fuss - there are no lock-in contracts, and you can leave at any time. In fact, we only have one condition: while you're with us, we want to see you making progress and achieving your bookkeeping goals. You've got our support and you owe it to yourself to give this your best effort. It's your business, after all, and this is your time to thrive!
Still Have Questions?
Don't worry, I've got the answers for you!